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Showing posts with the label Louise A. Stephens Scholarship

Apply Now! Louise A. Stephens Memorial Scholarship Fund

Hey students! Interested in getting free money for college? SIRLS students can win a $2000 scholarship from the Louise A. Stephens Memorial  Scholarship Fund to pay for attendance at the UofA School of Library & Information Science. For more information see the Louise A. Stephens Memorial Scholarship Page . Apply online by March 31, 2020.   Apply Now!

Alexander Soto, Louise A. Stephens Memorial Scholarship for 2019

This year's winner of the Louise A. Stephens Memorial Scholarship is Alexander Soto. As a graduate student earning a Master of Library and Information Science from the University of Arizona and a member of the Knowledge River cohort, Alex is setting into motion his desire to provide library services in tribal communities on and off the reservation. With experience in public, academic and tribal libraries, Alex has already assembled a wide range of skills and abilities that attest to his commitment to providing library services. Currently, he works for the ASU Library system and oversees the operations at the Labriola National American Indian Data Center’s West Campus branch. Alex believes a career as a librarian synthesizes his creative, cultural and professional backgrounds, as well as his interest in social justice by democratizing access to information.

Louise A. Stephens Memorial Scholarship

The Louise A. Stephens Memorial Scholarship Committee is now accepting applications for the 2019 Scholarship year. Applications are due by  August 31, 2019 . For more information, go to the  Louise A. Stephens Memorial Scholarship  page. Don't miss out on this great opportunity!