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A Message from AZLA President, Corey Christians

As devoted public servants, library staff always want to be there for our patrons in a crisis.  Libraries across Arizona are finding innovative ways to serve, while protecting both staff and patrons from spreading the COVID-19 virus.  The last thing we want to do is close our doors, but if temporary closures will be of greater benefit to public health, that is what we must do.  The ALA is recommending library closures at this time to minimize the spread of the virus and to protect patrons and staff from getting sick.  If your local officials determine the best course of action is to close your library, I encourage you to continue working to provide resources and value to your communities in ways that allow library staff to remain safe and continue working.  Here are some innovative ways Arizona libraries are maintaining service in the midst of this pandemic:   ·         Offering additional online resou...

Apply Now! Louise A. Stephens Memorial Scholarship Fund

Hey students! Interested in getting free money for college? SIRLS students can win a $2000 scholarship from the Louise A. Stephens Memorial  Scholarship Fund to pay for attendance at the UofA School of Library & Information Science. For more information see the Louise A. Stephens Memorial Scholarship Page . Apply online by March 31, 2020.   Apply Now!

What's New for You in AzLA Professional Development - March 2020

The Professional Development Committee wants to add more voices to our group. If you are ready to help shape the direction of AzLA professional development, contact Patty Jimenez at . We are interested in adding librarians from all types of libraries, from all over Arizona.  Want more professional development? Check out the sources below! Children and Young Adults Mar 2-29:  Exploring STEAM Concepts through Storytime (Library Juice Academy) Mar 3:  Springing Forward:  Books for Young Readers (Booklist) Mar 6:  A bsolutely Fabulous Picks (YA + Adults) (Booklist) Mar 10:  Introducing Penguin’s New Kids on the Block (Booklist) Mar 12:  Cultivating Voice Through Youth Leadership Programs (ALA) Mar 17:  Stellar Series:  Nonfiction (Booklist) Mar 25:  Imagine your Story:  Summer Reading 2020 workshop (Eloy) (Arizona State Library) Mar 26:  Imagine your Story:  Summe...