REGISTER NOW! Please join us for our biggest event of the year - AzLA Presents VISION 2020: Libraries Moving Forward Webinar Series . The Series will feature an opening session on Oct 14th, a Teacher Librarian session on Oct 17th, and a closing session on Dec 9th. All sessions will be half day events featuring keynote speakers, sponsorship and vendor presentations, and programs presented by AzLA members. Each week between the opening and closing sessions we will introduce a conference program created by AzLA members. The Conference and Programming Committees have been hard at work organizing this series and we hope all members will consider attending this new platform of membership engagement. The AzLA 2020 Webinar Series is FREE to all current AzLA members. If you would like to renew your membership or join AzLA for the first time click HERE to sign up today. Once you become a member or renew your membership you may register for any of the sessions. Each ...