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AzLA President's Message

Dear Esteemed AzLA Members,

I am so pleased to have the opportunity to represent your interests and work with you as AzLA President for the next 12 months.  As I mentioned during the 2019 conference, I view library services from a holistic perspective, with each library type playing a key role in serving the citizens of Arizona.  Because the Arizona Library Association represents the interests of all libraries, the organization is well-suited to address all our needs in service of that mission.
Our priority at AzLA is to promote service and librarianship in libraries of all types throughout the state of Arizona.  During my term as president, I will work with the Executive Board and the membership to advocate for our school libraries through the Arizona School Boards Association (ASBA) which will champion school libraries directly to those who vote on school library budgets. We will start a conversation with accreditation entities about requiring K-12s to have and support school libraries as part of their accreditation.  This will be a long and difficult challenge, but well worth the fight.

We are also working with our lobbyist to increase the funding available to libraries using SGIA and SGIA-C funding.  The need for an increase to library infrastructure and services is greater than ever and now is the time to push for increased funding.  Many libraries also pay the transaction privilege tax (TPT), Arizona’s equivalent to a sales tax, on nearly everything they purchase.  While another long shot, I will work to eliminate this tax for libraries currently required to pay it.
I am also excited to announce that the 2020 conference will be in Prescott, AZ at the Prescott Resort.  We are currently hammering out a contract for the event, and so far, it’s looking good.  The Conference Committee has some exciting ideas on how to increase participation, attract additional sponsorships, and keep costs low.  I will keep you informed as plans come together, but I can tell you now that you won’t want to miss the fun.
Lastly, I would like to thank Michelle Simon and Gina Macaluso for their leadership over the last two years.  They made many difficult decisions that increased the stability of your Association.  Thanks to their hard work, the efforts of the Executive Board, and the dedication of our many volunteers the AzLA can look forward to a future built on a strong foundation; a foundation that will help us make a lasting impact.  If you would like to be a part of planning the conference or fulfilling our mission, in any capacity, please don’t hesitate to contact me, Michelle Simon, or our president-elect John Walsh.

Many thanks for your confidence and support,

Corey Christians


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