I regret to inform you all that Corey Christians, the AzLA President, has resigned effective June 20, 2020. I would like to thank Corey for his service this past year and wish him the very best in his future endeavors. According to Section 6; Paragraph A of the AzLA bylaws, in the event a vacancy occurs in the office of President during the term for which such officer was elected, the President-Elect shall serve as President for the remainder of such term, but this shall not be deemed to create a vacancy in the office of President-Elect. So I will be serving in both roles till a new president-elect is elected.
I would like to restate here that AzLA represents the interest of all libraries in AZ and our mission is to promote library service and librarianship in libraries of all types. As we proceed through these uncertain times I believe it will take a collaborative effort of all libraries to unite and overcome the challenges we will face in such an unpredictable future. And I believe AzLA is well positioned with the strong foundational platform on which to build that collaboration. I am committed to the work it will take and will do my best to provide the good leadership it will demand to succeed.
In closing, I would like to invite you all to attend this year's annual conference. We are looking forward to our first all-virtual conference and I hope many of you will consider submitting a proposal. The annual conference always reminds me of what a force we are when we all come together to support a single concept, it makes me feel like we could accomplish almost anything.
I think it only fair to warn you that I am a librarian.
"The Librarian" Flynn Carsen
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